DOVE HAIR FALL THERAPY COMBING SERUM is a beauty product which is used on one's hair to combat frizzes reduce the hair from getting tangled / prevent breakage, friction and also give the hair a smooth finish...
Yes it does all this but i want something that will also make my hair smooth and soft...
This can be used easily... After washing my hair i towel dry my hair and then apply a generous amount... About 4 pumps of the serum is sufficient... its always good to apply in sections...If you apply to much it tends to look oily and makes the hair flat since you have applied the product more... You can use this after every time you wash your hair...
This is a light weight serum, has a very pleasant smell which i am not able to pin point to what it resembles..
It weighs 40ml, MRP Rs. 250...
Its available in any pharmacy or beauty shop...
I got mine in my local pharmacy about a year ago...
My hunt for a hair serum is still on...
If any of you have used this let me know your views... If i have missed out on any info that you need please let me know and ill try to put that also up...
I have bought this product with my own money and in no way I'm affiliated with this company. I'm not paid to do this blog and the review is based on my honest unbiased opinion
Last but not the least....
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